On 28th, our flight time was very early morning so we got up 4:30 and departed home on 5:00 and arrived Haneda airport at 6:10!
We couldn't slept very well because I should have to work until night yesterday and even after we got sleep, young neighbors talked his friend outside (just next to our room) as big voice on midnight...
But after arrived at Shin-Citose airport at 9:30, I was very excited and start to enjoy this holiday very much!
First of all, we had 1 hour waiting time for train to Tomamu so we looking around shops in airport.
There was a lot of unique and original products in Hokkaido, so it was very fun for me to just walking and looking things.
The first photo is my favorite, sushi! We can eat very fresh fish at Hokkaido that's one of why I like there, hehe.

The first photo is my favorite, sushi! We can eat very fresh fish at Hokkaido that's one of why I like there, hehe.
Departed from airport at 10:30 and arrived at Tomamu on around 12:00.
There was a very beautiful nature, and white snow resort.
Our accommodation for this time is "The tower" which is very nice looking 2 towers.
After check-in the hotel, we immediately went to outside and started snowboard!
To be honestly we are beginner snowboader but we can remember how to enjoy it very easily thanks to the lesson we participate in when we visit Kiroro (where also in Hokkaido) on last year.
We enjoyed snowboard about 3 hours for first day.
Second day, there was also very few people and almost our private space to snowboard so we could enjoy very much.
Tomamu has the record that most cold area in Hokkaido, and it seems the best ski and snowboard resort because its nice snow quality. The Tomamu snow called "Sliky snow" which means it is more better quality than "Powder snow".
After enjoyed snowboard we went to pool where also in the Tomamu resort.
It was very exciting experience because we could see much snowing outside window, but we wear swim wear and feeling like summer vacation in the warm water. Yey Yey!

There was no problems and troubles and just enjoyed by second day, but we got little troubles on 3rd day!
First trouble was: Jens lost parts from his board so we contacted rental shop and asked them to change it. After changing, we re-start Tour de Tomamu (which we named ourselves) and took the lift to up to the mountain.
Arrived at top, ready to start and looked my board......
I have lost SAME parts as Jens!!!
We could not believe it because it is very rare case we think, but we had to change it so called rental shop again to ask them to change it.
We could not believe it because it is very rare case we think, but we had to change it so called rental shop again to ask them to change it.
I believe we are normal (and very safety) snow boarder so there was no problems our way! I think, I believe...
By the way we enjoyed ice village at night, there was "ice bar" and drunk cocktail with glass which is made by ice.

Not only the glass but also all of the products in the bar, table, chair, wall and even ceiling was made by ice. It was very very cold and fun experience!
Not only the glass but also all of the products in the bar, table, chair, wall and even ceiling was made by ice. It was very very cold and fun experience!
Final day, of course enjoyed snowboard after checked out at hotel by afternoon, and left Tomamu at 14:00 to visit Sapporo which is the big city in Hokkaido.
Our airplane to Tokyo was the last plane in the day, which departed at 21:15, so arrived at Haneda around 23:30, then came home around 24:30.
Today I was very sleepy all day and should have to get in sleep now..
It was very happy trip and looking forward to visit there again next season!
Bonus video:
Bonus video: